The WESTERN UNION name, logo and related trademarks and service marks, owned by Western Union Holdings, Inc., are registered and/or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries.
Your source for collection law basics. Also includes links to licensing information.
"Online guide to US phone numbers, zip codes and much more!"
Western Union® Agent Locater
Financial services and communication company
Debt Collection Industry Information -
Receive extensive financial and operational data on nearly 1,000 debt collection firms - worldwide. Also available is in-depth market research, as well as extensive news & analysis covering financial performance, mergers & acquisitions and enforcement actions. First Detroit Corporation is the debt collection industry's publisher-of-record.
Zip Code Lookup and Address Info
The ZIP Code Look-Up and City/State/ZIP Code Association are free services provided by the United States Postal Service to assist the public with their addressing needs.
Collection Industry.com
Helpful resource includes recent industry news, small business forum, job placement forum and publications.
American Collectors Association
This site is a resource guide built to educate consumers, business professionals and the media about the credit and collection industry.
Find a Person, Find a Business, Reverse phone lookup or Search Yellow Pages.
The WESTERN UNION name, logo and related trademarks and service marks, owned by Western Union Holdings, Inc., are registered and/or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries.
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